Expand and Align

I Help Visionaries Unlock Their Highest Potential & Step Into Their Role As Leaders of Divine Impact

My mission is to cultivate true wealth for future generations – a legacy of psychological, emotional, and physical well-being in our community

All dynamic change starts from within. First within each individual, then within our relationships, then within our families, and from there we have the ability to see more aligned shifts our communities. The future health, wealth, and well-being of our children and communities is contingent on addressing one of the major contributing factors to the brokenness that we witness today — a lack of self-actualization and true fulfillment of purpose. The trajectory of my life has forced me to learn and demonstrate what it means to be a vessel of divine impact. My own journey has brought me to a place where I have made it my mission and purpose to help people do the work that I’ve done for myself, but faster.

I am here to guide individuals who seek to connect with their higher vision and higher calling in order to pave the way for future generations to inherit a true legacy of love, wholeness, self acceptance, and internal strength.


Here’s what’s on the menu

Work With Me

Learn more about how I can deeply support you on your journey through becoming a leader of divine impact.


Explore community events, luxury retreats, and transformational ceremonies.

Learning Platform

Elevate your spirituality with courses that touch on healing self esteem, cultivating intuition and more!

Meet Zen

I’m Zen and I am a highly intuitive Life Coach, Reiki Healer, Hypnotist & Vibrational Medicine Facilitator who specializes in assisting people uproot childhood and intergenerational trauma so that they may come into a higher space of conscious awareness and set future generations up for psychological and emotional freedom. I have a profound passion for transformation and spiritual awakening. As a compassionate spiritual life coach, mother and serial entrepreneur, I guide seekers on their soul's journey, empowering them to embrace their true essence and purpose. I skillfully harmonizes the energetic flow, releasing blockages, and fostering deep healing within my clients to bring resonance to the body and soul, restoring balance and vitality.

My offerings include:

  • Reiki & Energy Healing

  • Spiritual Counseling

  • Intergenerational Healing

  • Sound & Vibrational Healing

  • Guided Meditation

  • Plant medicine facilitation

  • Rootwork and Herbal Remedies

  • Oracle reading

eBook Library

The Soul’s Eye View

48 words of wisdom and affirmations to guide you along the soul’s journey

The Patience of a Goddess

A guide to reclaiming your self esteem